Reiki = Universal Energy 

I am a Reiki Master Practitioner & Teacher experienced seeing people in person to share this beautiful energy or sending Distance Healing,

I would like to assist you on your healing journey by offering Reiki Energy Healing which gives you a beautiful soothing soft healing that can assist in becoming more balanced: emotionally, physically and spiritually. It can leave you recharged.

Reiki can settle nerves, calm the nervous system, ease depression & anxiety, clear physical and emotional blockages. All through this non-invasive modality.

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing and the Reiki Healing system was brought into the world by the Japanese Dr. Mikao Usui.

It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

Reiki helps reduce anxiety, balances the body and nervous system, decreases stress, and increases sense of well being. It aids healing in the physical body, it helps balance out emotional imbalances.

The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words -
Rei which means "God's Wisdom or "The Higher Power"
Ki which is "life force energy".

So Reiki is actually "Spiritually Guided Life Force". ♥ 



The 5 Reiki Precepts
By Founder Dr Mikao Usui 

Read more about REIKI 

PELLOWAH Energy Healing

 I am also a Pellowah healing practitioner and share this beautiful energy with anyone who is interested in further enhancing their healing.​

The Pellowah Healing Technique was channeled from ‘Spirit’ to Kachina Ma’an in 2003.

Many believe that Pellowah is the purest form of healing available to us at this time.

Pellowah is an Angelic word for “radical shift in consciousness”.
Pellowah is a high vibrational frequency energy, which connects the 12 strands of DNA ready for activation and enables you to achieve an expanded level of consciousness and awareness.
This activation assists you to experience your greatest potential as you are able to experience life from a broader viewpoint than was previously available to you.

Pellowah healing balances your energy by realigning and unblocking meridians within the body, giving you a feeling of well-being. It strengthens your connection to your Intuition and True Self, which are all too often drowned out by your everyday, thinking mind needing to navigate the responsibilities of the modern world.

Many find they feel optimistic, with a sense of purpose in their life where they once felt directionless and report a greater sense of inner strength and confidence.

Pellowah is particularly effective on deep emotional issues, which may be a contributing cause of physical ailments. It is often a deeply relaxing experience for those who have busy minds and feel over-stimulated in our often hectic world.
This type of healing gives clarity and often a client will receive an answer to their question or find a path forward within a short time after the session.

People are usually attracted to Pellowah when the timing is right, when they are going through a time of change or they are uncertain as to how to move forward with their life.

Pellowah Healing Technique was not brought through as a healing technique but as a tool for enlightenment.
The healing capabilities acquired are the by-product of the shift in consciousness that occurs when one is attuned (the Practioners). Pellowah can also be used in distance healing and can also be used to heal pets and plants. 

Read more about Pellowah